Veterans Services
No Place Like Home Health – Family, Disabled Veteran Owned
We understand what it truly means to have served, and in turn want to serve our veterans with the utmost respect and care they deserve. We specialize in a Veteran Centered Care approach which gives our veterans and their surviving spouses of all ages who may be at risk of nursing home placement the opportunity to direct their care to living independently in the comfort of their home.
Whether it’s just running errands, medication reminders or assisting with your daily activities we hire well trained and professional aides to assist you.
We assist all of Our Veteran clients in obtaining funds that aid in helping to pay for the cost of home care services. Veterans aid and attendance benefits are funding sources that pays a monthly reimbursement for the cost of home care assistance. Inquire today to see if you are eligible!
We believe that Our Veterans have fought and worked so hard for us, now is our turn to work hard and support them by providing the exceptional companion care that they need.
Click here to see our Veteran Centered Care Approach

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