Hospital Accompaniment
A stay in the hospital is always tough–but even tougher if your loved ones are far away. With No Place Like Home Health, our caregiver can come to the home, help pack your clothes and belongings, and close down the house. No Place Like Home Health will provide or arrange transport, help you check in to the hospital, and carry in your luggage. Once you are settled in, your personal caregiver can stay by your side as much as you need–even 24 hours a day (hospital regulations permitting).
Our staff can also help keep the family informed on the patient’s progress as frequently as desired. Imagine the comfort that can provide when family or friends can’t always be there. When your stay is complete, the caregiver will pack your belongings, assist with discharge, arrange or provide transport home, and help you get settled. No Place Like Home Health can then keep a caregiver in the home as long as you need, allowing you to recover at your pace with total serenity.
Don’t face a hospital stay with fear or anxiety–call No Place Like Home Health. At home or in the hospital, we are the best in companion care, hands down.

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