What Adaptive Devices, are Available for a Senior with Parkinson’s Disease to Help with Mealtime?

Home Health Care in Farmington Hills MI: Adaptive Devices For Parkinson's

Home Health Care in Farmington Hills MI: When living with Parkinson’s disease, your aging parent will experience challenges and difficulties in completing basic daily tasks. This does not mean that they are struggling with cognitive deficiencies or that they are no longer able to manage any of their needs on their own.

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Are There Ways to Stop an A-Fib Episode?

Elder Care in Farmington Hills MI: A-Fib Episode Tips

Elder Care in Farmington Hills MI: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that up to 6.1 million people in the United States suffer from atrial fibrillation, commonly known as A-Fib. A-Fib is a condition in which the heart beats irregularly. People who have A-Fib might describe an A-Fib episode as feeling like there is a fluttering in their chest, or like their heart is beating too fast.

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