As An Adult Child Should You Be a Friend to Your Senior Parent
Seniors and Adult Children
You may know that your parents are getting older, and with that comes the risk of things like Dementia and Alzheimer’s, which you and your loved one have very little control over. It may be hard to stop looking at them like they’re your parents. However, the truth is that as a senior becomes older and disease progresses, it may be easier to be their friend rather than a grown child with expectations.
If you know your parents are struggling with this disease and it is in the early stages, your family may benefit from hiring Alzheimer’s care. They are better at caring for seniors with this disease and understand that it takes watchful companionship to ensure a senior remains healthy for longer. It can be hard to understand what your senior parent needs, which is also something that Alzheimer’s care providers can help with.
You may be wondering what is expected of you or how to be a friend instead of a child. Here are some of the best tips to use when you feel like you’re struggling with this disease and the changes it may bring. This is not an easy disease for the family to deal with, and it can be even more challenging for the seniors depending on the stage they’re in.
It Is Okay To Be a Friend

Caregiver Livonia, MI: Seniors and Adult Children
Although it can be painful, sad, and hurt, a senior may not remember you as an adult. They may remember you as a child and not know who you are now. This is when it is essential to become a friend to them and learn how to talk to your senior. Ask questions about “their children” and learn what they are like as a person and not your parents. This can be one of the hardest things to do, but it may also help you connect with them in a different way.
Develop a Routine
Even if a senior has Alzheimer’s care and help at home, you should still have a routine for your elderly loved one. This will help them expect when you visit and allow you to stay close by if you are needed. Every senior will be impacted differently, but it is important that they all have a routine to work around.
Always Be Patient and Positive
All seniors with dementia will have good and bad days. No matter what their mood is, you need to remain calm, patient, and positive. This is something that can take practice on your end, especially when a senior parent does not seem to be acting like themselves. They can have mood swings and personality changes and resemble someone other than the person you love. This can be scary to witness, but it is so crucial you know how to handle it and keep the mood light.
Don’t Get Angry
When you think of them as your mom or dad, you may be more likely to get frustrated. However, if you think of them as your friend going through a hard time, it may shift how you think. It may become easier to treat them more delicately than you would your parents.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering a Caregiver in Livonia MI please contact the caring staff at No Place Like Home Health, LLC today. 734-259-4200
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